Editable datasets
Multiple improvements to editable datasets. More robust, efficient and generally better.
Adhoc emailer
We've extended the length of time we hold in-progress emails from 14 to 28 days.
Did you like to go in and amend an email after it had been sent? Well, no more! Sent emails are now read-only.
Have you ever gone to amend a campaign name or report description and RADAR really helpfully highlights the whole thing and it all goes horribly wrong? Yeah, that sucks. It won't happen again though!
Overhauled the Subject line dialog to be a little less prone to catastrophic failure.
Sometimes it would be nice to preview an email in the browser before you send it. Our new View in Browser button will let you do just that!
Do you like to save as you work? We've added a Save (without closing) button for the extra cautious.
Emailer triggered
Triggered emails now use the same prettify settings as adhoc and recurring
API feeds
Feeds will now report their size and row count
Added a redirect directive to allow surveys to forward you along to elsewhere.