Honestly, I'd love to go through each of the amazing features we've added to our survey system over the last 8 months but we would be here forever. A quick contextless bulletpoint list is all you're getting.
- Layout directives!
- Virtual pages and nested layouts!
- Integrated survey API feeds!
- Integrated survey integrations?!
- User-level internal apps!
- Email integrations!
- A multitude of performance and stability improvements!
Emailer dashboard
Not content with the changes we made last release, this update adds a whole new email breakdown chart showing how this mailing compares to your average performance.
We've once again rearranged the big six other charts and added two more.
Emailer dashboard
Gone are the device and platform charts, here is the email preview. We've also rearranged the big six other charts for aesthetic reasons.
A multitude of fixes and improvements behind the scenes.