

Ad hoc emailer

Suffering from pending-campaign-itus? Probably best not to scratch that itch!

We've now hidden any unusable campaigns.
Plus we also show you who created the underlying campaign and who upgraded it to an email campaign.

Preference centre

If you're using our email preference centre you can show an individual's link in the People View search results.
Just let us know. We'll switch it on for you.

Those of you already using this feature will see some usability improvements.
It's much easier to click on the link now as the whole row is clickable.
The popup containing the preference centre will close when the preference centre save button is clicked.


Olark chat service

If you're already using or thinking about using the Olark chat service then we have you covered.

Our Olark Webhooks integration allows you to easily setup a data feed directly into RADAR.



Autocomplete filter lists

If you ever filter a list like this you'll see a rather narrow looking popup.

feedbox with filter

old filter

So we've widened it. It should be much easier to read some of the longer entries.

new filter